The Religion of Wicca

by Forest Jones Rev. 8/17/01

Wicca is a religion, but unlike any organized religion. Wicca is known as the “Craft of the Wise” and was established in 1949 by Gerald Gardner as an initiatory, mystery path. We believe that there are many valid paths to enlightenment. Many of these paths are referred to as “religions” or “mystery schools”. We do not believe that there is “one right path” which fits everyone. Each of us must find enlightenment and/or our deity in our own way. We acknowledge that there are religions which believe they have the only true way and we strive to maintain our sense of tolerance in the face of their intolerance.

We acknowledge that it is impossible to trace the practice along an unbroken thread back to the Stone Age. Wicca is a mixture of folk lore, witchcraft and ceremonial magic. We see Wicca as a living religion whose roots must be kept alive, but which must evolve as we grow and evolve. We acknowledge that Wicca is practiced in many ways and all may be valid as long as they subscribe to the Wiccan Rede, “an it harm none, do what you will”, and follow the worship of pagan gods and goddesses. However, without the initiatory, mystery structure the traditional aspect of Wicca is lost.

We believe that a person's concept of deity - how they “see” deity is personal and subject to change. Some see deity as an “aspect” of one's own personality. Some see deity as the “collective unconscious”. Some see each god and goddess as a distinct and separate entity. Some see each god and goddess as an aspect of one entity which is both male and female, or neither male nor female. Some see two deity figures: one male and one female each manifesting itself in many different forms. In traditional Wicca it is essential to develop strong relationships with individual gods and goddesses.

We believe that no one can know, for absolute certainty, the exact nature of deity. The gods worshiped in the Blue Moon tradition are those of the British Isles, primarily the gods and goddesses indigenous to the area now known as England and Wales. Everyone is welcome to acknowledge gods of other pantheons on his or her own time, but these gods should not be brought into Circles being worked in this Tradition. While we acknowledge the equal importance of god and goddess, we see the half year between Beltain and Samhain as the “goddess' half of the year”, since this is the time when the goddess is giving birth to new life. The time between Samhain and Beltain is seen as the “god's half of the year”. The god reigns as the goddess rests.

We acknowledge a place called, “The Summerlands” where we go after our physical body dies. The exact nature of The Summerlands is not known, and it is up to every person to come to some understanding of it for their own satisfaction.

Most members believe in reincarnation, but we acknowledge that reincarnation can take many forms and again, this is something which must be considered and understood on a personal level.


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